Melika Talford Anderson

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820 Goldeneye Ct MLS #: 457256
Blythewood, SC 29016 Share
820 Goldeneye Ct, Blythewood, SC 29016
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Price: $195,000
Square Ft: 2707 View Map View Map
Bedrooms: 4 Request More Info Request More Info
Bathrooms: 2.5 Local Schools Local Schools
Year Built: 2008 Printable Flyer Printable Flyer
820 Goldeneye Ct
Beautiful traditional two story, 4 bedroom 2 ½ bath. Formal living and dining rooms, eat in kitchen with bay window. Hardwood floors in formal dining and hallway. Spacious loft, Gas fireplace, screened patio. Master Bedroom w/ Trey ceilings, walk in closet. Master bath with double vanity sink vanity, garden tub, w/ separate shower. Large cul de Sac lot with a large backyard.

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